GAIA Entrepreneur

Hosted ByGaia Entrepreneurship Students

Gaia Entrepreneur – E12 – Clément Espaze – Alter C3

Clément Espaze holds a degree from Mines. He is the Co-founder & President of ALTER C3, where he works as a climate – carbon – energy consultant. To date, he is also a facilitator and trainer for La Fresque du Climat (The Climate Collage). Alter C3 : Alter C3 is a consultancy specializing in advice and training for the ecological transition. Its objective is to understand the climate in order to build its carbon footprint and thus become an agent of change. This involves raising awareness among all stakeholders to better understand and take action. Economic actors, through their economic power, have a major role to play in the ecological transition. Decision-makers, elected officials, and local authorities must become aware of the stakes in order to make bold decisions. And finally, citizens through the power of voting and individual influence actions.

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